West Coast Multihulls

Last fall, my Dad and I weren’t sailors. Like so many people, we’d dreamed of getting a boat and sailing the coast, or taking off to some distant island, but it seemed out of reach; it felt like that dream might stay a dream. Then we stumbled on West Coast Multihulls (WCM).

Founded by Kurt Jerman as a Catamaran dealership over 20 years ago, the business has grown to include a sailing school and charter company.

Jerman grew up in Idaho. He was always outdoorsy, but didn’t find sailing until his early thirties. One day, someone came through town with a couple of windsurfers on the roof of their car. Jerman struck up a conversation with the stranger and his curiosity got the best of him. “I ended up buying them and that was the start of my sailing career.”

After getting married, Jerman and his wife moved out to California and began a life on the water.  They bought a boat and sailed for a while, before deciding to settle down. “We came back here to San Diego after selling the boat and I had to kinda reinvent myself”, Jerman stated.  So he got into the boat business. He worked as sales manager and then general manager for Corsair Marine for a number of years, before eventually deciding to start his own dealership.

Today, WCM operates a fleet of ten boats and has three locations: San Diego, La Paz and Loreto. “We are kind of the one stop shop for everything Catamaran related”, Guinevere King, who manages the charter company and sailing school, said.

There are a number of courses to choose from. We signed up for their Catalina Sailing Course. For a week, we lived aboard a catamaran and learned the workings of the boat while sailing from San Diego to Catalina and back. The course covered everything from basic sailing, to navigation, to operating a large catamaran. It was an intense experience, but it gave us all the tools required to be independent sailors.

San Diego has the perfect environment for anyone getting into sailing. The weather is mild and consistent. You can be on the water year-round, without the need to bundle up. On top of that, it offers a sheltered environment to get a sense of your boat before you take on the open ocean. “It’s a pretty good size bay, so it’s pretty conducive for sailing… There are a number of little anchorages where you can get a sense of cruising and go and drop the hook and hang out on your boat,” Jerman Shared.

Once  you’ve gotten comfortable, there are a variety of interesting destinations only a short sail away. Mission Bay is just north and perfect for a weekend getaway. If you want to go a bit further afield, Mexico is just south and an easy trip. Then there is Catalina Island, a short cruise just off the coast. “I’m always amazed talking to people, when I talk about Catalina,” Jerman continued, “how many people have never been there. It’s the jewel of southern California as far as I’m concerned.”

“It’s such a great feeling just to see people getting out on the water, getting excited, changing their life. You know, doing things differently,” Guinevere king told me.  “You see so many families that are doing this where they’re selling their house, they’re able to homeschool their kids so they can have these incredible experiences with the whole family.” 

If you are interested in starting a life on the water, but aren’t sure where to start, I highly recommend checking out West Coast Multihulls.  Sailing with them was an incredible experience and a huge confidence boost. Thanks to our week with WCM, the dream no longer feels so far away.

West Coast Mulithulls


955 Harbor Island Drive
Suite 180
San Diego, California 92101

Boat Sales: 619.571.3513
Lessons and Charters: 619.365.4326


Bailey Kohnen

I am a student and aspiring journalist. Originally, I am from Arizona, but I relocated to San Diego in the fall of 2022. My passions are writing, mountain biking, sailing, and anything outdoors. I am excited to be working with Highlight San Diego while I explore this incredible city.

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